Wednesday, September 4, 2013

on letting go

You know back in high school my then boyfriend introduced me to circa survive which has nothing to do with this post except for the fact that "on letting go" is the name of one of their albums. Quick side note on this sometimes ADD brain of mine.

Recently with my relationships its been a lot of one step forward, two steps back. I've been feeling pretty alone in the whole love department because my ex and I (gasp) are trying to take things one step at a time and not rush into anything (it's for the best). However, that has left me feeling like I'm in a relationship with zero benefits of a relationship. Just the usual pain and heartache, which he doesn't seem to get right now. So I'm left with feelings of complete frustration and questioning what I want to do with my life. I graduate next June, I turn 21 in 50 days, I don't honestly know where I'm going to be. And to top all of this stuff off I move the day after tomorrow to a completely new area and have to attempt to get set up there while trying to figure it all out. Let me tell you, letting things happen and letting go has never been a strong suit of mine. It takes me a long time to come to terms with things. I've never been good at letting go, even when I know that's exactly what I need to do.

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